Global CTV & Creative Insights

A snapshot into advertisers' media & creative strategies

With audiences dispersed across linear, CTV, and digital video, advertisers have had to rethink their media and creative strategies to reach and engage with consumers – especially at a time of global economic uncertainty.

To get a snapshot into how creative and media strategies are being adapted today, Innovid analyzed 330+ billion impressions from advertisers, across verticals and regions, served on our platform between Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 2022.

Looking at CTV, mobile, and desktop devices, the report compiles global video advertising insights and offers an important look into how advertisers reach, engage, and drive action among diverse audiences across platforms. Here’s just a snapshot of the report findings:

Key High-Level Findings:


CTV accounted for the greatest share of global video impressions, an increase of 10.9% vs. 2021


lift in engagement over standard pre-roll for interactive CTV choice- and non-choice-based formats; with non-choice-based ads accounting for a 17% lift


second ads reign supreme when it comes to video completion rates

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