
Dec 3, 2021

From Imagination to Innovation: Innovid is officially a public company!

Innovid is officially a public company!

We’ve reached a major milestone in our journey and I'm proud to announce Innovid is now a publicly listed company on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under the ticker of CTV. I want to take the opportunity to share this incredible moment with the Innovid community. We wouldn't be here without the contribution and support of our employees, customers, partners, and investors. 

To my co-founders, Tal Chalozin and Zack Zigdon, a part of my extended family who dared to imagine what Innovid could be. Thank you for being on this journey - it’s pretty unique to be a 15-year-old company with the three co-founders still on board, learning, growing, and challenging each other.  

To Innovid employees, past and present, you turn imagination into action and solutions. Thank you for cultivating a culture of creativity and collaboration. 

To our customers, our commitment to you powers our imagination to do more and be better. Thank you for trusting us and pushing us to continue staying ahead of the curve.

To our partners, our imaginations are stronger together. Thank you for aligning with us to serve our clients better. 

To our investors, who believed in us early on when we were just a bunch of guys in a garage with an idea on a napkin, you helped bring our imagination to life. Thank you for trusting us. 

So... how do you distill 15 years into a blog post?

Let me take you back to 2007, when the future of TV looked very different from what it is today. Just imagine a world, before the iPhone existed, when Netflix was a service that sent DVDs in the mail, and YouTube, famous for videos of dogs on skateboards, had just gotten acquired by Google. We founded Innovid on the cusp of an exciting new era and my co-founders and I wanted to be a part of that to revolutionize video engagement. Our name, a promise of innovation in video, imagined a connected future for TV. We wanted to focus on the experience of watching television, with interactive, engaging advertising being a part of that.

We brought that idea to life through pioneering innovations and partnerships, daring to do what no one else imagined. We invented interactive video advertising at scale, launched first-to-market dynamic television formats, and were the first to receive MRC accreditation for adherence to industry standards in a CTV environment. We created first-to-market partnerships with industry-leading data and TV powerhouses like NBCU, LiveRamp, and Magnite. We kept imagining, building, achieving, and working to meet the growing needs of our clients and the changing demands of the industry. 

I'm proud to say that today, we've established ourselves as one of the leading independent ad platforms. We've helped over 1,000 of the world's largest brands create, deliver, and measure ads across connected TV, mobile TV, and desktop TV, and this is only the beginning for Innovid. 

Looking towards tomorrow, as audiences continue to make the switch to streaming in droves and the 200 billion dollar TV industry shifts to CTV, we believe that industry will need a platform that is neutral, that is transparent, that is truly is here to change how the world experiences watching television. And we believe that we are in a prime position to solidify our leadership in this significant and high-growth market. 

We're excited about our future. Becoming a public company only strengthens our promise of transparency to all of our stakeholders. While today calls for reflection and celebration, tomorrow, we continue to reimagine the future of TV advertising.  

Thank you so much for being a part of the Innovid journey.  

Zvika Netter

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