
Apr 8, 2021

Social’s Surge in the Time of Distancing

With the majority of us under stay-at-home orders last year, we had to rely on unconventional means to interact and meet with our friends. It’s unsurprising that digital ruled our relationships, sending our time on video calls and social media through the roof. To that extent, in Q4 2020 Facebook reported a 31% year-over-year growth in ad revenue with an average of 3.3 billion monthly active users on their platforms.1

Even more than the time we invested, our adjusted lifestyles impacted how we use these platforms. Savvy marketers stayed ahead of the curve by investing in solutions that directly responded to the needs of social audiences. Eye-catching creative and interactive experiences captured attention from those of us stuck in an endless scroll. No longer able to browse at a store, eCommerce and shoppable ads grew massively; with Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter all expanding their capabilities. And with changes in the news every week, dynamic creative (DCO) provided advertisers with the technology and tools to be agile with their messaging amidst trending topics.

Facebook directly took note of these marketer moves, recently announcing a new dynamic solution built for streaming advertisers. Based on an audience’s interests, their new solution will feature creative for the show most likely to convert the intended viewer to sign up and tune-in. After all, if someone signs up for NBC Peacock to watch The Office, they might not be as interested in Battlestar Galactica-based messaging. (Or for some of us it might just be the ideal combo!). But it’s not just streaming advertisers who are pushing for agile dynamic messaging solutions, it’s all verticals. In 2020, Innovid reported a 37-percent increase in the number of advertisers running dynamic video and a 100-percent increase in the back half of the year (when advertisers moved to always-on agility).

Although various parts of the world are finally returning to some state of normality, 2020 should still be viewed as a benchmark for consumer expectations moving forward. Brands need to go the extra mile to create meaningful, relevant interactions, especially in personal channels like Facebook and Instagram. Innovid’s dynamic creative solutions enable all verticals to lean into dynamic messaging, for both display and video creative, across Facebook, Instagram and other social platforms. We take the heavy lifting out of personalized social messaging through technology, auto-rendering assets to fit the native specs of the social feed. Once a creative version has been developed, it can be automatically pushed via API to Facebook and/or Instagram in near real-time. And as the world turns, new versions can be easily swapped in using the same solution, allowing for an always-on approach to personalization across all channels.

Interested in learning more about our dynamic social solutions? Please reach out to


1Source: eMarketer, 2021

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