The State of Representation in CTV Advertising

Alltold x Innovid

Industry research shows that embracing inclusivity in advertising yields significant benefits for brands:

  • 3.8x enhanced brand perception
  • 2.8x lift in purchase intent
  • 2.7x increase in ad effectiveness

In partnership, Innovid and Alltold have come together to showcase how Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts are shaping the future of advertising. Our collaborative report, The State of Representation in CTV Advertising, examines six key identity dimensions — including age, gender expression, skin tone, body size, observed sexual orientation, and visible disability — in the top 1,000 ads delivered via Innovid’s ad server in 2024. This report highlights representation today and sets the stage for a more inclusive tomorrow.

Key findings include:

  • A roughly 50/50 split between masculine and feminine gender expression 
  • Small- and medium-sized bodies were represented approximately 93% of the time 
  • Less than 1% of people shown on screen had a visible disability 

To gain deeper insights into the state of representation in CTV advertising, download the full report and explore how you can help shape a more inclusive future for the industry.

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