
Aug 7, 2017

Driving Video Engagement Through the Purchase Funnel with Interactive Video

By now, most marketers would agree that two-way conversations with consumers are more valuable than simply pushing their brand’s messaging without providing opportunities for audiences to interact. This proves that audiences are truly engaged your brand’s content. That’s why adding a layer of interactivity to video ads has become such an important tools for marketers, since it gives consumers the option to opt-in and spend more time their brands.

Utilizing interactive elements can help brands build on the success they are already seeing with video by inviting the audience into a deeper, more engaging experience that expands outside of the standard :15 or :30 second spot, while also offering new ways to gather valuable customer insights. Based on Innovid’s 2017 Global Video Benchmarks, interactive video campaigns deliver an average of 41 additional seconds of time earned and attain 561% lift in total user activity over standard pre-roll campaigns. All of that data on what audiences are interacting with inside of a brand’s video delves into a deeper level of granularity that reveals more about what audiences want to see from a brand.

But, even once you’ve realized the value of interactive video and the potential it can unlock for your brand, it can be tough to know where to begin and how to ensure that you’re getting the most out of your interactive investment. As leaders and pioneers in interactive video (we even have the patent on it), Innovid has been helping brands find engaging ways to connect with their consumers for nearly a decade and have learned a lot along the way. Our new Interactive Video Starter Guide summarizes those learnings and includes everything you need to know about how to get the most of out your interactive video ads based on your campaign goals and KPIs, including how to:

Create relevancy throughout the customer journey by recognizing where your customers are in the purchase funnel and tailor your creative to follow suit.

  • Tailor your interactive creative to the stage of the funnel that your campaign is focused around, whether it be awareness/discovery, intent/consideration, or even acquisition. This will not only provide a more relevant message to your consumers based on where they are in the customer journey, but will help you achieve your campaign KPIs.

Maximize impact by developing device-specific creative to best serve user behavior on each device.

  • Not all devices should be treated the same. When and where your brands connect with your consumers should affect the message you send them, as well as the length of the video content, when the message is delivered, as well as which options of interaction the user has with the message.

Increase engagement and time spent with your video ad by taking advantage of custom formats designed to help you meet your campaign goals.

  • Take advantage of the customization opportunities that interactive video allows for—whether your campaign goal is to extend your :15 or :30 second video spots with additional video content, show audiences more information about your products, or drive traffic to your website—there is a custom format to help you meet your campaign goals.

Leverage interaction data to get smarter about what your audiences want.

  • Understanding how audiences are engaging with your video ads, as well as knowing what types of content generate the highest responses, helps you identify ways to continuously optimize your video marketing strategy.

You can download Innovid’s Interactive Video Starter Guide here, or reach out to our team of experts with questions.

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