
Sep 22, 2021

Davis Elen Advertising Taps Into Innovid to Drive Unique Reach For Toyota and McDonald’s

Due to rapid shifts in consumer behavior, new emerging technologies, and increased in-housing by brands, it has never been harder to be an independent agency. The ability to go the extra mile while quantifying the value of their marketing efforts is imperative for results-driven performance agencies such as Davis Elen Advertising. As a thought-leader in the agency industry, Davis Elen Advertising looked for innovative ways to optimize their CTV buying strategies to provide more value and better performance for their clients, all while trying to minimize or decrease costs.

To minimize waste and publisher overlap for their client The Southern California Toyota Dealers Association, Davis Elen Advertising revolutionized their buying strategy by working directly with CTV device manufacturers and Smart TV developers. Davis Elen Advertising’s device-specific approach enabled them to purchase premium owned and operated (O&O) inventory without sacrificing scale while simultaneously optimizing their reach, overlap, and frequency KPIs. Davis Elen Advertising took an agnostic approach when selecting device partners, understanding that no single partner can provide complete coverage of the CTV market, and instead partnered with multiple strategic device owners that would maximize scale across high-quality CTV inventory.

With their activation partners and inventory selected, Davis Elen Advertising needed a third-party independent measurement solution that could provide unbiased unique reach, overlap, and cost-efficiency reporting across publishers and device operators, all at the household level. As a leading independent omni-channel ad server built for TV, Davis Elen Advertising selected Innovid as their exclusive measurement provider to analyze the effectiveness of their innovative CTV buy.

Innovid revealed that Davis Elen Advertising’s strategy was more than a success — it was an absolute home run. For Toyota, Davis Elen Advertising saw a Unique Reach Percentage of 96% across partners with a minimal 3% overlap. In addition, Cost Per Unique Reach, the agency’s North Star when testing their hypothesis, also decreased by 35% across the campaign.

Davis Elen Taps Into Innovid Insights to Drive Unique Reach for Toyota and McDonald's

To further test the effectiveness of their buying strategy, Davis Elen Advertising mimicked the approach across their McDonald’s co-ops, a completely different brand, in a completely different category, with their own unique set of targeting and campaign objectives, and they saw identical unique reach percentages and cost per unique reach optimizations. When asked about the value that Innovid provided for their measurement strategy:

“Innovid’s measurement suite has been our north star; we leverage unique reach percentage as our guiding beacon. Innovid’s analysis enabled our team to measure and optimize our smart TV device operator strategy’s impact on unique reach performance.” John Papadopoulos, SVP, Director of Media Strategy at Davis Elen Advertising

Read the entire case study here for more in-depth analysis. In addition, to learn more about the benefits Innovid's measurement solutions provide, check out our latest research study, Decoding CTV Measurement: An In-Depth Look at Reach, Frequency, and ROI.

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