
Sep 30, 2021

CTV, Product Marketing & Friendships: Life As An Innovid Intern

This summer I had the privilege of working with Innovid as a part of their internship program! The slew of unprecedented events that was 2020 meant that I would have the unique experience of doing this internship from home to mitigate risk. Working exclusively online, however, did not dampen the quality of my time during the program. Over the course of ten weeks, I spent my time working with the product marketing team, conducting research, assisting in the renaming process for certain products, crafting reports, blog posts (meta), and case studies. The biggest project I was a part of this summer was developing a case study report about Innovid’s partnership with the Ad Council and The American Lung Association. For this campaign, Innovid volunteered their ad serving, creative production, and support team to spread awareness about lung cancer screening and incentivise audiences to go to their local clinic to get screened. You can read the case study here.

The tenure of my internship was during a fascinating time for the company as they had just announced their plans to enter the public market and teamed up with NBC Olympics to bring the power of streaming to one of the world's largest television events.There was so much valuable information I learned about ad tech and the CTV space during my internship with Innovid, so I decided to reach out to my fellow interns Javier Mangado, Perla Solano, Imman Zubiar, and Patrica Anika to see if their experience reflected mine!

Matt: Hey Javier, how was your internship experience?

Javier: I would describe my experience as a great journey where I have been able to not only learn about my discipline but also about others’ fields within the company. Understanding the role of my field within the company was one of my first objectives I defined. I am proud to have achieved that and to have gained knowledge of how the company works as a whole! My team has been impeccable, and I have felt welcomed to the company itself since day one.

Matt: Would you say that reflects your time with Innovid as well, Patricia and Imaan?

Patricia: Absolutely! There was always room to learn a new and useful skill that I can take with me in my future career. I have been fortunate enough to get access to resources and tools which I didn't have prior knowledge about and my supervisor Justine was always only a message away to take all my questions without any hint of frustration. 

Imaan: My experience has been fast-paced, eventful, exciting, and informative! My favorite part has been the family meetings. You really get to see the company culture shine through with the individualized attention and fun atmosphere.

Matt: What was your favorite part of the internship, Perla?

Perla: I would also say my favorite part of the internship has been the family meetings. I enjoyed getting to know and learning more about Innovid and the projects Innovid is working on. Also, I got to learn more about the company culture and celebrate employees’ achievements.

Matt: The company culture at Innovid seems to definitely have made an impact on all of us interns this summer! How would you describe the Innovid culture from the perspective of a new hire/intern? 

Imaan: It’s so inclusive and inviting. When you think of a corporate job, you would think of grey and monotonous work. Innovid really tries to make these times exciting for their employees and make everyone feel like they’re a part of the “innofamily”. I’m pretty new to the company, but the fact that interns have many opportunities to intermingle with people who hold C-suite positions just shows how transparent and open they are. 

Perla: I agree with you, Imaan! The environment at Innovid lets the employees grow in the company by encouraging them to advance and strengthen their leadership skills. The company culture is unbeatable and daring. Everyone at Innovid is generous and are always willing to help each other out. 

Matt: Well it’s fantastic to hear that we all shared positive experiences here at Innovid this summer! Lastly, what are some skills that you will all take with you from this internship?

Perla: I learned a lot about metrics and the analytical side of marketing. The projects I worked on definitely helped strengthen my skills in digital marketing! Another skill is a greater understanding of account-based marketing (ABM) because I was able to gain the Demandbase ABM Foundations Certification. I also gained the Inbound Marketing HubSpot certification and learned the different elements of inbound marketing as well!

Patricia: I learned how to become more detail oriented and goal specific through building content like campaigns, pathways, DEI trainings, etc. Weekly meetings with HR, daily meetings with my manager, and creating content in LOOOP have also improved my communication skills.

Imaan: I learned how to use LOOOP, a platform that is new to the company and to the rest of the world. It taught me to learn quickly and become more flexible. Navigating a platform that is still under constant improvement itself can be difficult in the sense that not everything is perfectly developed, so I had to learn to be flexible. Needing to pick up on the LOOOP platform swiftly in order to do my job, it was necessary to learn about the platform's new developments in order to optimize the user experience the best I could. 

Javier: There are plenty of skills I’m going to take from this internship. The first one is to be a more detail-oriented type of professional. Then, all the skills of learning how to use many different platforms in the analytics field I haven’t used before, such as Datorama, Sisense, or Salesforce. I also picked up skills around prioritization, multitasking, and communications.

I think my fellow inno-terns would agree that we will all look upon these past 10 weeks favorably. I cannot emphasize enough how grateful I am to have had the opportunity to work with Innovid this summer. Between collaborating with my fellow interns, learning more about the marketing profession, developing new skills, and getting a chance to hear the career journeys of different individuals in the company, my time this summer has been well spent. 

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